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Magento REST API using PHP

I have generated Consumer Key,Consumer Secret,Access Token & Access Token Secret. I'm not going to use OAuth. How can I integrate with PHP so that I can view products or insert product in Magento. I have latest version of Magento 2.x.

Thank You!


  • You need to create Integrations for that

    Admin => System => Extensions :: Integrations => Add New Integration

    assign Resource Access as per your needs and save

    on save the integration you will have followings

    • Consumer Key
    • Consumer Secret
    • Access Token
    • Access Token Secret

    you can use Access Token for REST API Calls in header

    Authorization : Bearer nptblbtpbh5oj2aag1sdjvvwsm******

    REST API Calls URL :

    Magento2 Rest API Reference :

    you need to prefix all calls with the method you want to use

    for ex: Admin Token URL :
    Method : GET


    Authorization: Bearer nptblbtpbh5oj2aag1sdjvvwsm******

    it will return JSON containing Category TREE