I have generated Consumer Key,Consumer Secret,Access Token & Access Token Secret. I'm not going to use OAuth. How can I integrate with PHP so that I can view products or insert product in Magento. I have latest version of Magento 2.x.
Thank You!
You need to create Integrations for that
Admin => System => Extensions :: Integrations => Add New Integration
assign Resource Access as per your needs and save
on save the integration you will have followings
you can use Access Token for REST API Calls in header
Authorization : Bearer nptblbtpbh5oj2aag1sdjvvwsm******
REST API Calls URL : http://yourMagento2.store/index.php/rest/
Magento2 Rest API Reference : http://devdocs.magento.com/swagger/index.html#/
you need to prefix all calls with the method you want to use
for ex: Admin Token URL :
Method : GET
Authorization: Bearer nptblbtpbh5oj2aag1sdjvvwsm******
it will return JSON containing Category TREE