I have a function that filters on a master table as the below:
wc: {(in;x;enlist y)}.'flip(colNames;colValues);
res: ?[tabl;wc;0b;()];
I can apply this separately to filter on two columns within my master table:
res_fltr1: condSel[t;enlist `s; enlist `s1];
res_fltr2: condSel[t;enlist `name; enlist `$("P Willy";"D Reim")];
But it is only when I try to combine these two columns inside the filter function that I receive an incompatible list error that I am very unsure on how to fix:
res_fltr: condSel[t;`s`name;`s1`$("P Willy";"D Reim")];
What am I missing here? If I attempt this on columns s
and p
instead where I would pass one symbol for each column, then there are no issues.
res_fltr: condSel[t;`s`p;`s1`p1];
Dummy table below:
s p qty name
s1 p1 300 F James
s1 p2 200 P Willy
s1 p3 400 P Willy
s1 p4 200 D Reim
s4 p5 100 M Oxhart
s1 p6 100 P Willy
This syntax is incorrect:
q)`s1`$("P Willy";"D Reim")
[0] `s1`$("P Willy";"D Reim")
You need to join them using ,
q)`s1,`$("P Willy";"D Reim")
`s1`P Willy`D Reim