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How to hide / show nav_panel based on user role

I have a shiny app using auth0 authentication and bslib framework, with three nav_panel() and a sidebar.

I want specific panels to be shown or hidden based on the logged-in users role. For example if the role is admin or coach then show Panel 2 and Panel 3, if the role is athlete then hide those two panels. I've tried conditionalPanel() but that doesnt seem to work.

here is a minimal reprex


ui <- page_navbar(
  title = "Panel Updates",
  sidebar = sidebar(
    id = "sidebar",
  nav_panel("Page 1", "Testing"),
  nav_panel("Page 2", "Availability"),
  nav_panel("Page 3", "Team"),

server <- function(input, output) {
  session$userData$auth0_info$`/roles` <- "athlete"
  output$role <- reactive({session$userData$auth0_info$`/roles`})
  outputOptions(output, 'role', suspendWhenHidden=FALSE)

shinyApp(ui, server)


  • You can use nav_hide() and nav_show() to control the visibility of the nav_panel()s.

    ROLES <- c("athlete", "coach", "admin")
    ui <- page_navbar(
      title = "Panel Updates",
      sidebar = sidebar(
        id = "sidebar",
        radioButtons("role", "Role", choices = ROLES)
      id = "navbar",
      nav_panel("Page 1", "Testing"),
      nav_panel("Page 2", "Availability"),
      nav_panel("Page 3", "Team"),
    server <- function(input, output, session) {
      role <- reactive({
        session$userData$auth0_info$`/roles` %||% input$role
      observeEvent(role(), {
        if (role() %in% c("admin", "coach")) {
          nav_show("navbar", "Page 2")
          nav_show("navbar", "Page 3")
        } else if (role() == "athlete") {
          nav_hide("navbar", "Page 2")
          nav_hide("navbar", "Page 3")
        } else {
          stop(sprintf("user has unexpected role %s", role()))
    shinyApp(ui, server)