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BigDecimal: Can the Java compiler optimize away multiplications by 1?

Does the Java compiler remove multiplications by 1, when talking about BigDecimal?

I'm standing in something similar to this:

BigDecimal bd = getBigDecimal();//get arbitrary bigDecimal, could be anyone.

bd = bd.multiply(new BigDecimal(getOneTwoOrThree());

Where the getOneTwoOrThree method is declared as:

 * Always returns Integers 1, 2 or 3.
 Integer getOneTwoOrThree(){
     //some code

So, basically.

if getOneTwoOrThree() returns 1, will the compiler perform the multiplication? Or will it nop the instruction?
This is somewhat of an existential doubt, but I guess that I'm at some level early - optimizing.


  • No. BigDecimal is a library class (it's not even in java.lang), so the compiler treats it as any other class.

    BigDecimal could special-case this internally, but apparently doesn't.

    (Edit: I should add that it's possible that the JIT compiler could work some magic, but I would have to do some tests to be sure.)

    I would only suggest that you change your code to use BigDecimal.valueOf(), because 1, 2, and 3 are some of the special cases which are cached internally by BigDecimal.

    bd = bd.multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(getOneTwoOrThree());