I have code something like below. But I found out that @ValidateNested doesn't support when we do "TwoWheel | FourWheel" like this. Also I have no way of determining if incoming payload vehicle type is TwoWheel or FourWheel. I need to validate that as well. How can I do so ?
Please note that these are just dummy classes I have created. In reality, I have 3 classes and each have many fields. Only some of them are common. Most of them are not.
ChatGPT suggested to create custom validator. But I was hoping nestjs might have something inbuilt that I can use. Please suggest better approach.
Thanks in advance.
class TwoWheel{
speed: number;
color: string
class FourWheel{
speed: number;
color: string
numberOfSeats: number;
class Vehicle{
VehicleType : TwoWheel | FourWheel
Another thing I tried was something like
@IsEnum([TwoWheel, FourWheel],{
message : "Invalid Vehicle Type"
VehicleType : TwoWheel | FourWheel
But above will always return error message. At least getting @ValidateNested would also be win for me. I need to validate nested field while doing "VehicleType : TwoWheel | FourWheel" Don't want too complex solution. Just want to find out if there is something in nestjs that I missed.
You can use the @Type
annotation from class-transformer
to manually check the type of the input based on a specific parameter. For example
export class VehicleA {
doors: number;
export class VehicleB {
doors: number;
seats: number;
export class MyDTO {
message: "Vehicle should not be empty"
@ValidateNested({ each: true })
@Type((options) => {
if (options?.object && "seats" in options.object.vehicle) {
return VehicleB;
return VehicleA;
vehicle: VehicleA | VehicleB;
In this scenario you can use the fact that VehicleB
has a property seats
and then return the appropriate type, almost like a typeguard.
Edit: Adding here a better answer using the @Type
: https://github.com/typestack/class-transformer?tab=readme-ov-file#providing-more-than-one-type-option