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Regex for matching numbers >= 150,000 with spaces included not working as expected

I'm trying to create a regex that matches numbers greater than or equal to 150 000, considering spaces as thousand separators. Here is the regex I tried:


And here is the JavaScript code I used to test it:

const regex = /^(150\s*000|1[5-9]\d{2}(\s*\d{3})*|[2-9]\d{2}(\s*\d{3})*|\d{1,2}(\s*\d{3})+)$/;
const testStrings = [
    "149 000",
    "151 000",
    "185 000",
    "800 152",
    "15 000",
    "100 000",
    "200 000",
    "250 000 123",
    "100 0000",
    "150 000",

testStrings.forEach(testString => {
const matches = testString.match(regex);
if (matches) {
    console.log(`Matched: ${testString}`);
} else {
    console.log(`Did not match: ${testString}`);

However, the results are not as expected:

  • Did not match: 149 000
  • Did not match: 151 000
  • Did not match: 185 000
  • Matched: 800 152
  • Matched: 15 000
  • Did not match: 100 000
  • Matched: 200 000
  • Matched: 250 000 123
  • Did not match: 100 0000
  • Matched: 150 000

The problem seems to be related the first part of the regex, What am I doing wrong?

I'm using a library where I have to put this regex in HTML because it is the only way to allow this condition :

<input type="radio" required name="myname"  cf-label="Non" value="non" cf-conditional-price="^(150\s*000|1[5-9]\d{2}(\s*\d{3})*|[2-9]\d{2}(\s*\d{3})*|\d{1,2}(\s*\d{3})+)$" />


  • Here is a regex that seems to work with your criteria of any number >= 150,000 with spaces replacing the commas:


    Now I would highly recommend some alternative routes as suggested in the comments, but if you really have to use a regex, this one seems to work fine. Hope this helps!

    Here is the finished code replacing your regex:

    const regex = /\b((1[5-9]\d|[2-9]\d{2}|\d{4,})(\s\d{3})+)\b/;
    const testStrings = [
        "149 000",
        "151 000",
        "185 000",
        "800 152",
        "15 000",
        "100 000",
        "200 000",
        "250 000 123",
        "100 0000",
        "150 000"
    testStrings.forEach(testString => {
        const matches = testString.match(regex);
        if (matches) {
            console.log(`Matched: ${testString}`);
        } else {
            console.log(`Did not match: ${testString}`);