I have the following yup check:
nrOfApples: yup.number().min(0).max(999),
And right now if I leave the field blank, it validates as false. Is there any way to make yup.number() accept empty values? I have tried:
But it doesn't seem to work. Any ideas on how I can make such thing happen?
You have to pass true
to nullable -
nrOfApples: yup.number().min(0).max(999).nullable(true);
From: https://github.com/jquense/yup/issues/500
Working example: https://runkit.com/xdumaine/5f2816c75a0ba5001aa312b2
Note that if you add required().nullable(true)
the required
overrides the nullable
and null will not validate.
You can use a transform
to convert the NaN
value into null
. I updated the runkit with this:
const contactSchema = yup.object({
name: yup.string()
nrOfApples: yup
// checking self-equality works for NaN, transforming it to null
.transform((_, val) => val === Number(val) ? val : null)