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JsonSchemaValidator module name is confused Maven vs Eclipse

I'm having trouble getting a Maven Eclipse project to build in both Maven and Eclipse. The problem appears to be that the JSON validation library com.networknt wants to be required (in as requires com.networknt.schema in Maven, but as requires json.schema.validator in Eclipse (as Maven project). Each build simply cannot see the module if it is named the other way. I can build in Eclipse if I "run as maven build..." but that doesnt help coding or JUnit test debug etc.

I have the following in my pom:


I'm using 1.4.3 from

Anyone know what's up here?


  • The json-schema-validator-1.4.3.jar is a multi-release JAR file with the module-info.class not included in the root of the JAR, but as META-INF/versions/9/module-info.class. The module-info.class file is compiled with Java 9 and the rest with Java 8. This way it can be used with Java 8, but also as a modular JAR with Java 9 and higher.

    Eclipse seems not to support this yet: Eclipse JDT core issue #2495: Multi-Release JAR is not recognized as such

    As a workaround, do one of the following:

    • In the json-schema-validator-1.4.3.jar copy module-info.class from META-INF/versions/9/ to the root
    • In META-INF/MANIFEST.MF add the line Automatic-Module-Name: com.networknt.schema