I have a MudCheckBox that i reference in my code in order to be able to know if i need to check it by default or no.
The thing is that when i use the myCheckBox.Checked = true, i ahve an error telling me that Checked is now obsolete and that i need to use Value.
But when i use my_checkBox.Value, it just tell me that i cant set it outside of the component
I just tried both of the answer but none seems to work
if (_account != null)
_checkAvailable.Checked = ((int)_account.Attributes) % 2 > 0;
_nullAccount = false;
You should be able to do simple parameter binding and default the value to true.
<MudCheckBox @bind-Value="CheckBox1" />
@code {
public bool CheckBox1 { get; set; } = true;
Of course instead of setting the property directly like this you'd do it in your method using whatever calculation you require.