Search code examples

JQuery Datatable is not visible

I have an ASP.NET Core MVC web application written in C#. I created a Razor view and in that view, I show 2 jQuery datatables horizontally and in between these 2 data tables, there are 3 buttons.

These controls are in a container. But when running the app, only the border is visible - the 2 data tables are not visible.

 @model LMD_WEB.ViewModels.vmStudentMaster
    Layout = null;

        .container {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: row;
        justify-content: space-between;
        margin: 20px;

        .datagrid {
        flex: 1;
        margin: 10px;
        border: 1px solid black;            

       .buttons {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        justify-content: center;
        margin: 10px;

        .buttons button {
            margin: 5px 0;

       .footer-buttons {
        display: flex;
        justify-content: space-between;
         margin: 10px;

       .textbox {
        margin: 10px;

        .textbox input {
            width: 100%;

    <div class="textbox">
        <input type="text" placeholder="Text box" />

    <div class="container">
        <div class="datagrid" id="datagrid1">
        <table id="table1" class="display table-bordered" 
    <div class="buttons">
         <button id="button1">Button1</button>
         <button id="button2">Button2</button>
         <button id="button3">Button3</button>
    <div class="datagrid" id="datagrid2">
         <table id="table2" class="display table-bordered" 
    <div class="footer-buttons">
         <button id="buttonCancel">Cancel</button>
         <button id="buttonOK">OK</button>


   $(document).ready(function () {

   const LoadGrid1 = async () => {
        serverSide: true,
        filter: false,
        scrollY: StaticData.TABLE_HEIGHT + 'px',
        scrollX: true,
        lengthMenu: StaticData.TABLE_PAGE_SIZE,
        scrollCollapse: true,
        searchDelay: 800,
        ajax: {
            url: '/STUD_MANAGEMENT/LoadStuds',
            type: 'GET',
            datatype: 'json',
            data: (d) => { return { draw: d.draw, start: d.start, length: d.length, search:, FilterByColumn: d.columns[d.order[0].column].data, ASC_DSEC: d.order[0].dir } },
            beforeSend: () => { ShowLoader(); },
            complete: () => { HideLoader(); },
            dataSrc: (json) => {
                json =;
                return json;
        columns: [
            { data: 'StudID', title: StudID', autoWidth: true },
            { data: 'StudCode', title: 'Stud Code', autoWidth: true },
            { data: 'ClassNo', title: 'Class No', autoWidth: true },
            { data: 'Teacher', title: 'Teachere', autoWidth: true },
            { data: 'Remarks', title: Remarks', autoWidth: true },
        columnDefs: [
            { className: 'text-center', targets: [0, 2, 4] },


How to make these 2 datatables visible in this Razor view?


  • I'm afraid this is due to the js code doesn't execute. You mentioned you are working in the ASP.NET Core MVC application, so that the scripts should be surrounded by @section Scripts{}. In the meantime, your code snippets have some issue. You didn't render table content for table1 and table2, but only for DATATABLE1. And you missed ' for title: StudID' and title: Remarks', anyway, please see my test with codes below. HTML element and styles are the same with your code snippet.

    @section Scripts{
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
        <script src=""></script>
            $(document).ready(function () {
                    ajax: {
                        "url": "/table/LoadStuds",
                        "type": "GET",
                        "dataSrc": function (myJson) {
                            return myJson;
                    columns: [
                        { data: 'studID', title: 'StudID', autoWidth: true },
                        { data: 'studCode', title: 'Stud Code', autoWidth: true },
                        { data: 'classNo', title: 'Class No', autoWidth: true },
                        { data: 'teacher', title: 'Teachere', autoWidth: true },
                        { data: 'remarks', title: 'Remarks', autoWidth: true },
    public class TableController : Controller
        public IActionResult Index()
            return View();
        public List<Student> LoadStuds() {
            var list = new List<Student> {
                new Student{ StudID="1",StudCode="1001",ClassNo="A",Teacher="David",Remarks="good"},
                new Student{ StudID="2",StudCode="1002",ClassNo="A",Teacher="David",Remarks="perfect"},
                new Student{ StudID="3",StudCode="1003",ClassNo="B",Teacher="Yang",Remarks="bad"},
                new Student{ StudID="4",StudCode="1004",ClassNo="A",Teacher="David",Remarks="bad"}
            return list;
    public class Student {
        public string StudID { get; set; }
        public string StudCode { get; set; }
        public string ClassNo { get; set; }
        public string Teacher { get; set; }
        public string Remarks { get; set; }

    enter image description here