I have several classes of vehicles such as truck, sedan, van, motorcycle. The common thing between them is that they all move, so I delegate it to a move class which contains these methods:
Some vehicles move differently then others so I make a factory design pattern for it. So if it is it a car(truck,sedan, van) it would delegate to the MoveCarImpl class or if it is a motorcycle, it would delegate to the MoveBikeImpl class. My issue is. the bike and car has almost exactly the same move() algorithm. The only difference is that the bike algorithm calls 1 additional method at the end of move() method while car's move() algorithm doesn't. So now I have a lot of duplication of code in the MoveCarImpl class and MoveBikeImpl class. Any ideas on how to deal with this?
You can extend your car move implementation class with the bike move implementation class and override the move method.