I'm new at GAS and I was following a tutorial on Youtube for knowing how it works on the diferent plataforms on Google Workspace. But, when I executed my code in a Google Sheets it prompted me this error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'getBody')
function InsertarDatos() {
var DocActual = DriveApp.getFileById("1kM-zglMjbckKnacmV5K21j1r3CjDmn70yrzsCcKrNdw");
var fila = 2;
var nombreCelda = "A" + fila;
var hojaActual = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var celdaActual = hojaActual.getRange(nombreCelda);
while (!celdaActual.isBlank()) {
var DocNuevo = DocActual.makeCopy("Nombre: " + hojaActual.getRange("A" + fila).getValue());
var documento = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
var fecha = new Date();
var mes = fecha.getMonth() + 1;
var dia = fecha.getDate();
var ano = fecha.getFullYear();
var fechaT = "Certificado emitido el día " + dia + "del mes " + mes + " de " + ano + ".";
documento.getBody().replaceText("<<nombre>>", hojaActual.getRange("A" + fila).getValue());
documento.getBody().replaceText("<<dni>>", hojaActual.getRange("B" + fila).getValue());
documento.getBody().replaceText("<<curso>>", hojaActual.getRange("C" + fila).getValue());
documento.getBody().replaceText("<<empresa>>", hojaActual.getRange("D" + fila).getValue());
documento.getBody().replaceText("<<calific>>", hojaActual.getRange("E" + fila).getValue());
documento.getBody().replaceText("<<fecha>>", fechaT);
nombreCelda = "A" + fila;
celdaActual = hojaActual.getRange(nombreCelda);
I expected that it created several documents replacing the different items that I would put in a database in a Google Sheets.The expected document
returns null because the Google Apps Script project is contained by a spreadsheet.
You might replace this with DocumentApp.openById(document_id)
or DocumentApp.openByUrl(document_url)
. You should replace document_id / document_url with a string holding the document id / URL, respectively, or a variable to which this string was assigned.