Search code examples

NamedBasicTypeImpl EntityValuedModelPart are in unnamed module of loader 'app'

I have code like this in JPQL and Spring Data JPA

    @Query("SELECT bt FROM Textmessage t " +
           "JOIN bt.hashtags h " +
           "JOIN h.tag t " +
           "JOIN t.type tt " +
           "WHERE t= :mainTag " +
           "GROUP BY bt " +
           "ORDER BY " +
           "   SUM(CASE WHEN t IN :questionTags THEN tt.weight ELSE 0 END) DESC")
    List<BotreaderTextmessage> findAnswers(
            @Param("mainTag") Tag mainTag,
            @Param("questionTags") List<Tag> questionTags

but when i run the query this exception has happend

class org.hibernate.type.internal.NamedBasicTypeImpl cannot be cast to class org.hibernate.metamodel.mapping.EntityValuedModelPart (org.hibernate.type.internal.NamedBasicTypeImpl and org.hibernate.metamodel.mapping.EntityValuedModelPart are in unnamed module of loader 'app')

I tested the code without the 'order by' condition and without 'case,' and it works well. However, when I add this code, the above error is displayed to me.

I even wrote the query as follows, which might result in different output and query, but it still gave me the above error.

    @Query("SELECT bt, " +
           "CASE WHEN bttag IN :tags THEN (SELECT SUM(bttagtype.weight) FROM Textmessage btq " +
                                         "JOIN btq.Hashtags bthq " +
                                         "JOIN bthq.tag bttagq " +
                                         "JOIN bttagq.type bttagtype " +
                                         "WHERE = ELSE 0 END AS tagWeight " +
           "FROM Textmessage bt " +
           "LEFT JOIN bt.hashtags bth " +
           "LEFT JOIN bth.tag bttag " +
           "ORDER BY tagWeight DESC")
    List<Object[]> findAnswerMessagesByChatIdOrderedByTagWeight(
            @Param("tags") List<BotreaderTag> tags);


  • In my case there were two different things that caused this relating to the IN predicate. This issue is specific to Hibernate and not Spring.

    1. The parameter you are passing for IN :questionTags was, in my case, just an Object when it needs to be a Collection instead.

    2. Your example didn't involve CriteriaBuilder, but after Hibernate 6.x, a Root no longer serves as a stand-in for its own ID, and the same Exception is thrown.

    Previously you could do an "in" predicate providing only the root, like this, where "ids" is an integer list:

    CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Thing> q = cb.createQuery(Thing.class);
    Root<Thing> thing = q.from(Thing.class);

    But after 6.x, you need to specify the metamodel's ID field.
