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How does work Vue v-model with update:modelValue and how to prevent it from default logic depending on modal

Can someone explain to me if v-model is: :modelValue update:modelValue then what happen when v-model with update:modelValue used both. So in my code I have this component:

<script src=""></script>
    :getOptionLabel="organization =>"

Under the hood this component uses v-select.

        :class="{ 'error-select': hasErrorsInternal }"
        :style="width ? `width: ${width}` : null"
        @search="(query, loadDelegate) => $emit('search', query, loadDelegate)">
        <div v-for="(s, name) in $slots" :key="name" :slot="name">
            <renderer :vnode="s" />

            v-for="(f, name) in $slots"
            :title="showItemsTooltips ? props.fullName : null">
            <renderer :vnode="f(props)" />

I need to prevent default logic on changing title on update:modelValue but only if on redirect model [another component that only has props to show and methods to either redirect to another organisation by url or do hide itself without redirecting] user presses accept button.

So using v-model leads to changing title no matter what button pressed. How can I solve this issue? I don't think that changing v-model to :modelValue will fix this issue because there is no changing of value inside changeOrRedirectModal logic.


  • v-model contains the current value (defautl or updated without control). @update:modelValue it's like an event that trigger after v-model is updated. I am not sure about what are you doing exaclty with others component and redirections on click (it seem to me that you need to check something before update the v-model value). Did you try to use a computed value (:value="computedValue") instead v-model and an event change to manage the new value?