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How to limit bucket upload size in Backblaze B2 (S3 COMPATIBLE API)?

I'm implementing a functionality in our app where users buy a subscription and create their workspace. Each subscription plan has different storage limits (e.g, 5 GB for a small plan). We use Backblaze B2 for storage, and currently, we create a separate bucket whenever an organization is created, which works fine.

However, I need to limit the bucket upload size according to the subscription plan the user has purchased. I have researched a lot but couldnt find a way to enforce storage limits on Backblaze buckets. Moreover, Backblaze doesn't seem to offer a way to get the storage size of a bucket or a whole folder.

I have gone through Backblaze documentation and searched online for any existing solutions or workarounds but haven't found a way to directly limit the storage size of a bucket. I expected to find a method or API that allows setting storage quotas or retrieving the total size of a bucket to enforce these limits programmatically.

Additionally, I'm using @aws-sdk/client-s3 for managing S3-compatible storage.

Does anyone know how to implement storage limits on Backblaze B2 buckets based on the user's subscription plan? Any advice or workarounds would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  • Enforcing storage limits on Backblaze B2 buckets isn't supported directly. You'll need to track storage usage separately in your application by yourself but here is how I can help you:

    Track Usage: Maintain a record of storage usage for each user's workspace in your application's database.

    Enforce Limits: Before allowing any storage operations (like uploads), check against the recorded usage to ensure it doesn't exceed the subscribed limit.

    Notifications: Provide feedback to users when they near or exceed their storage limits, using messages or notifications in your app.

    Periodic Checks: Implement checks to reconcile and clean up storage usage periodically.

    If you have any specific questions or need more details on implementing this, let me know!