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copying 3 columns from a 4 column table with multiple CONFLICT conditions

I've got two sets of data in postgres, the first (mistakenly) uses a bigserial as the key:

CREATE TABLE info_tbl (
    id bigserial NOT NULL,
    "uuid" uuid NOT NULL,
    "time_stamp" timestamp NOT NULL,
    "json_thing" jsonb NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT info_tbl_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

The correct table is generated as below (has the uuid as the primary key):

CREATE TABLE info_tbl_correct (
    "uuid" uuid NOT NULL,
    "time_stamp" timestamp NOT NULL,
    "json_thing" jsonb NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT info_tbl_correct_pkey PRIMARY KEY (uuid)

I've been trying to generate the posgres code to copy the old data from info_tbl into info_tbl_correct, however I'm coming unstuck as when it detects a conflict I want to only copy across data that has a newer timestamp.

INSERT INTO info_tbl_correct
("uuid", "time_stamp", "json_thing")
SELECT src."uuid", src."time_stamp", src."json_thing"
FROM info_tbl AS src
ON CONFLICT ("uuid")
SET "time_stamp"=EXCLUDED."time_stamp", "json_thing"=EXCLUDED."json_thing";

Can I get postgres to support two conflict conditions, or can I sort the data as it is being read from info_tbl? (This would mean that the data will always be newer as it gets read from old->new).


  • I am not psotgre expert. However,you can try this. You can achieve this by using a combination of ROW_NUMBER() and PARTITION BY to sort the data from info_tbl before inserting it into info_tbl_correct. This way, you can ensure that the newer data is inserted, even if there are conflicts.

    Here's the SQL query that you can use:

    WITH cte AS (
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY "uuid" ORDER BY "time_stamp" DESC) AS rn
        FROM info_tbl
    INSERT INTO info_tbl_correct ("uuid", "time_stamp", "json_thing")
    SELECT "uuid", "time_stamp", "json_thing"
    FROM cte
    WHERE rn = 1