I'm trying to get my EntryDate column in this format 'YYYY_m' for example '2013_04'.
This code has been unsuccessful
DATENAME (YYYY, EntryDate) + '_' + DATEPART (M, EntryDate)
Attempts using DATEFORMAT have also been unsuccessful, stating there was syntax error at ',' after the M. What code would work instead?
Thank you.
How about date_format()
select date_format(EntryDate, '%&Y_%m')
This is the MySQL way. Your code looks like an attempt to do this in SQL Server.
The following should work in SQL Server:
select DATENAME(year, EntryDate) + '_' + RIGHT('00' + DATEPART(month, EntryDate), 2)
Personally, I might use convert()
select replace(convert(varchar(7), EntryDate, 121), '-', '_')