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Interface to class Design pattern .... Have anyone using Interface to class design pattern

Is there any

Interface To class design pattern.

Currently I'm joining a new company.and their design pattern is

"Interface to Class " Design pattern.

But I don't know any Interface to class design pattern...

Have anyone using Interface to class design pattern...


  • Interface To class is commonly used pattern specially in JAVA/Spring-Boot as it supports the concept of loosely coupling.In this pattern,

    1. You create a interface with required methods
    2. Create an implementation class which implements the above created interface.
    3. Third step when using the implementation class value.Instead using implementation class use interface.

    Below is the simple code to demonstrate the interface to class pattern.

    public interface UserMethod {
    User getUser();
    boolean saveUser(User user);


    Now create an implementation class for it.

     public class UserDatabase implements UserMethod{
        public User getUser() {
           //Do your logic for getting user
        public boolean saveUser(User user) {
           //Do logic to save user
    public class MongoUserDatabase implements UserMethod {
    public User getUser(String id) {
        // MongoDB query to get user
    public boolean saveUser(User user) {
        // MongoDB operation to save user


    public class UserService {
        private final UserMethod userMethod;
        public UserService(UserMethod userMethod) {
            this.userMethod = userMethod;
        public User getUser(String id) {
            return userMethod.getUser(id);
        public boolean saveUser(User user) {
            return userMethod.saveUser(user);
    UserMethod userMethod = new UserDatabase();
    UserService userService = new UserService(userMethod);
    // After migration
    UserMethod userMethod = new MongoUserDatabase();
    UserService userService = new UserService(userMethod);

    Notice:as in above we created constructor of Interface not implementation class. What are it's advantages:

    • Suppose in future we want to use other database to change logic inside the getUser() and saveUser() method or.So only your implementation class code will change without effecting any other code.It provides the concept of loosely coupling.