I have macro that loops through the files in a particular folder.
It tries to open the first file (Addresses) again and I get an error message
file is already open and being used by another user
(or something to that effect)
There are two files in this folder (Addresses / Users). The purpose of this little snippet is to make sure each file has data (to prevent issues downstream).
The Address file can be opened and has data. The next file is Users and it is corrupted and cannot be opened, so the On Error GoTo BadFile
kicks in. The macro does what I want for the bad file but then goes back to the main loop and tries to open the Address file again when the error message is displayed.
There can be six files and I'm trying to determine the status of each file.
X = 1
For Each XFILE In xFolder.Files
MyWB = ""
On Error GoTo badfile
objExcelApp.Workbooks.Open (XFILE)
MyWB = ActiveWorkbook.Name
If Len(Trim(Cells(2, 1))) = 0 Then
ReDim Preserve MyFile(1 To X)
MyFile(X) = ActiveWorkbook.Name
If InStr(1, MyFile(X), "Address") > 0 Then Got1 = True
If InStr(1, MyFile(X), "Commodities") > 0 Then Got2 = True
If InStr(1, MyFile(X), "GL") > 0 Then Got3 = True
If InStr(1, MyFile(X), "Suppliers") > 0 Then Got4 = True
If InStr(1, MyFile(X), "Users") > 0 Then Got5 = True
If InStr(1, MyFile(X), "Translate") > 0 Then Got6 = True
objExcelApp.Workbooks(MyWB).Close False
ReDim Preserve MyFile(1 To X)
MyWB = Replace(MyWB, "\\VS600\", "")
MyWB = Replace(MyWB, "Testing\", "")
MyWB = Replace(MyWB, "Data Files\", "")
MyFile(X) = MyWB
If InStr(1, MyFile(X), "Address") > 0 Then BadFileGot1 = True
If InStr(1, MyFile(X), "Commodities") > 0 Then BadFileGot2 = True
If InStr(1, MyFile(X), "GL") > 0 Then BadFileGot3 = True
If InStr(1, MyFile(X), "Suppliers") > 0 Then BadFileGot4 = True
If InStr(1, MyFile(X), "Users") > 0 Then BadFileGot5 = True
If InStr(1, MyFile(X), "Translate") > 0 Then BadFileGot6 = True
X = X + 1
objExcelApp.Workbooks(MyWB).Close False
End If
I expect it to exit the loop and continue with the rest of the macro.
It's hard to tell what exactly fails, but I would assume that using the error handler as you do could cause the problem. You never deactivate the On Error Goto BadFile
. That means whenever a runtime error happens in your code, it will jump to that place.
Now consider any of the statements within the loop, or even after finishing the loop, issues a runtime error: The code will jump back to BadFile:
. Whatever the content of XFile
is, this file will be processed (again) and handled as "Bad file".
You shouldn't use Error handling in that way for flow control of your program. In your case, you want to use the Error handler only to check if a workbook could be opened. So limit it's scope to that statement:
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = Nothing
On Error Resume Next
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(file)
On Error GoTo 0
If wb Is Nothing Then
' Handle Error here
' Handle success here
wb.Close False
End If
Now, the code will assign a reference to the just opened workbook to the variable wb
. If it fails, wb
will stay Nothing
and you can check for that after disabling the error handler.
There is much more room for improvement in your code, one thing that hurts most is the Redim Preserve
to collect all file names. Instead of using an array, just use a Collection
. Collections are build to grow or shrink, while arrays (in VBA) are build for array where you know at a certain point how large it will be. Redim Preserve
is a costly action as the whole array needs to be copied.
Dim MyFiles As New Collection
For Each XFile in folder.Files
MyFiles.Add wb.Name