I want to change the row background colour and font colour of specific rows in a MudDataGrid, I cant get it to work though.
heres my MudDataGrid definition
<MudPaper Class="pa-4 ma-2" Elevation="0">
<MudDataGrid ServerData="LoadGridData" T="BookingDetailDto" @ref="_dataGridBookings" ReadOnly="true" Hover="true" Striped="true" RowStyleFunc="@_rowStyleFunc" SortMode="SortMode.None" HeaderClass="mud-table-header">
<MudText Typo="Typo.h6">Bookings</MudText>
<MudSpacer />
<MudTextField @bind-Value="_searchString" Placeholder="Search By Artist Name" Immediate="true" Class="mt-0"></MudTextField>
<MudIconButton Size="@MudBlazor.Size.Small" Icon="@MudBlazor.Icons.Material.Rounded.Search" @onclick="() => Search()" Title="Search" />
<MudIconButton Size="@MudBlazor.Size.Small" Icon="@MudBlazor.Icons.Material.Rounded.Restore" @onclick="() => Reset()" Title="Reset Grid View" />
<MudBlazor.PropertyColumn Property="x => x.BookingId" Title="Booking Number" />
<MudBlazor.PropertyColumn Property="x => x.AgencyIdentifier" Hidden />
<MudBlazor.PropertyColumn Property="x => x.DateOfPerformance" Format="d" Title="Performance Date" />
<MudBlazor.PropertyColumn Property="x => x.TimeOfPerformance" Title="Performance Time" />
<MudBlazor.PropertyColumn Property="x => x.ArtistName" Title="Artist" />
<MudBlazor.PropertyColumn Property="x => x.VenueName" Title="Venue" />
<MudBlazor.TemplateColumn CellClass="d-flex justify-end">
<div @onclick:stopPropagation="true" @onclick:preventDefault="true">
<MudIconButton Size="@MudBlazor.Size.Small" Icon="@MudBlazor.Icons.Material.Rounded.Edit" @onclick="() => EditItem(context.Item!)" Title="Edit" />
<MudDataGridPager T="BookingDetailDto" Disabled="false" />
I have a function that takes care of the row colouring
private Func<BookingDetailDto, int, string> _rowStyleFunc => (x, i) =>
string style = string.Empty;
style += "background-color: #FF0000; color: white !important;";
return style;
the row is coloured correctly but the font colour doesn't change, this is what I get, can anyone see why ?
The row may have the color white, but it's overwritten by the cells color.
To set the color of the cells you have to use the CellStyleFunc on each Column
<PropertyColumn ... CellStyleFunc="_cellStyleFunc" />
This works for TemplateColumn aswell
Here's a Snippet