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How to handle dismiss requests from Dialog launched from a Composable passed as a variable

I want to create a composable to handle generic settings which display a Dialog (e.g. to replace the EditTextPreference and ListPreference of Androidx Preference API). The idea is that this GenericSettingWithDialog accepts in input the Composable handling the Dialog content:

fun GenericSettingWithDialog (
    name: String,
    state: State<String>,
    dialogContent: @Composable ()-> Unit
) {
    var isDialogShown by remember {
    if (isDialogShown) {
        Dialog(onDismissRequest = {
            isDialogShown = false
        }) {
    // setting row launching the dialog, with title and graphics

Unfortunately, this implementation is not able to handle dialog dismiss requests coming from the dialog itself, like when clicking the Confirm button.

I am working on the possibility of using Kotlin's Function literals with receiver as shown in this answer: Jetpack Compose function with lambda () -> Unit, but still unclear how.


  • If you want to dismiss dialog on the a event of dialogContent then we can pass a lamda function in the dialogContent: @Composable ()-> Unit like below.

    Updated GenericSettingWithDialog code

    fun GenericSettingWithDialog (
        name: String,
        state: State<String>,
        dialogContent: @Composable ( onDismiss: (() -> Unit)? )-> Unit
    ) {
        var isDialogShown by remember {
        if (isDialogShown) {
            Dialog(onDismissRequest = {
                isDialogShown = false
            }) {
                    isDialogShown = false
        // setting row launching the dialog, with title and graphics

    While using above function follow as below

            Box(modifier = Modifier
                Box (modifier = Modifier
                    .clickable {

    Here onDismiss is called when you want to dismiss dialog from dialogContent
