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Failed to find Platform SDK with path: platforms;android-35

For some reasons, I ended up with installing the latest android studio on June/2024 (Android Studio Koala | 2024.1.1).

I encountered the incompatibility error for androidx.core:core:1.15.0-alpha01 (REF: 6629458). Following the IDE suggestion to update compileSdk of at least 35, I updated the SDK version to 35:

android {
    namespace = "com.example.myprj"
    compileSdk = 35

    defaultConfig {
        applicationId = "com.example.myprj"
        minSdk = 26
        targetSdk = 35

I also set up the Android 15 SDK which I believed corresponding to SDK/API level 35 (REF: Android API Levels). Why the Android Studio Koala IDE kept complaining Failed to find Platform SDK with path: platforms;android-35?


  • Wait till aug 2024 as android 35 is in beta. Consider using Android API 34 (Upside Down Cake version 14)

    Part 1

    enter image description here

    Currently platform stability is being taken care off by google Developers. Android 15 which is a Developer Preview Version, and is unstable right now So as of now keep using android 34 as shown in below code.

    android {
        namespace = "com.example.prjname"
        compileSdk = 34
        defaultConfig {
            applicationId = "com.example.prjname"
            minSdk = 26
            targetSdk = 34

    Reference links -

    Report Issue if you face any at

    And track them at

    Create New Issue :

    Other bug reporting options :

    1. Report Android Studio bugs here

    2. Report build tools and Gradle bugs here

    3. Report Android Emulator bugs here

    Part 2 (use it after getting stable release)

    If you are using AGP 7.0.0 or higher, update your app's build.gradle

    How to use it in future :

    android {
        compileSdkPreview "VanillaIceCream"
        defaultConfig {
            targetSdkPreview "VanillaIceCream"