I have the below in my code and having the onUpdate
method to false
has no different effect on the fronted when I submit a form. What does setting the parameter to false
#[Validate('required | image | max:1024', onUpdate: false)]
public function store()
//Logic to create a post
The parameter onUpdate set to false disables automatic validation and the properties must be validated explicitly using $this->validate() or $this->validateOnly()
For example:
<input type="text" wire:model.blur="input1" placeholder="At least 5 chars">
<div class="text-red-600">
{{ $message }}
<button wire:click="doSubmit">
[ Submit! ]
namespace App\Livewire;
use Livewire\Attributes\Validate;
use Livewire\Component;
class ValidateTest extends Component
#[Validate('required|min:5', onUpdate: false)]
public $input1 = '';
public function doSubmit()
// if onUpdate was true (default) the following line wouldn't be necessary
// -- here we can do something like insert or update
public function updated($inputName)
// -- since onUpdate is false, to allow the validation on blur we need to enable the following line
// $this->validateOnly($inputName);