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Livewire 2.2: Undefined variable slot in app.blade.php

I am using livewire 2.2 with laravel 7.24 in my laravel project. When i load component using

Route::get('/path', ComponentClassPath);

it works, but when i load my livewire component inside a blade view. For instance, test.blade.php like this:



it doesn't work and shows the below error:

Undefined variable: slot (View: E:\xampp\htdocs\lw\resources\views\layouts\app.blade.php) .


   <div class="container">
       {{ $slot }}


Any solution ?


  • Since you're using the @section directive (where you @extend a layout, and use sections), and not the component $slot approach (see, you should be using @yield instead of echoing the "special" $slot variable.

    Alternatively you could go with the slots-approach, but you would generally choose one or the other. Going with that approach means a different structure to your blade files, and there's nothing wrong with either way -- just be consistent about which one you choose.

    To continue using sections and extending layouts, simply replace {{ $slot }} with @yield('content'), like

    <div class="container">