I have a program that allows users to import .csv file, and select axes to graph from that file. The program works when the data contains all numeric numbers; however, when there are NULL values, I get the following error: Can't combine length
and colors
An example of data I am having trouble with is included below:
length | y | time | colors |
5 | 0 | 30 | NULL |
10 | 1 | 60 | NULL |
15 | 2 | 90 | NULL |
If I remove the colors column, the program will work fine, so I know the program will work if there are only numbers. I think I would need to use a replace() function.
library(shiny)#load and attach package shiny
not_sel <- "Not selected"
main_page <- tabPanel(#create a tab panel for main_page
title = "Data Plotter",#main_page tab titled Plot
titlePanel("Data Plotter"),#panel titled Plot
sidebarLayout( #create a layout with a sidebar and main area
sidebarPanel(#side panel = inputs
title = "Inputs",
fileInput("csv_input","Select CSV File",accept = ".csv"),#first parameter is ID to call in server, text that appears, condition to accept
selectInput("x_axis","Select x-axis",choices = c(not_sel)),#creates input in Inputs
selectInput("y_axis","Select y-axis",choices = c(not_sel), selected = not_sel, multiple = TRUE),
actionButton("run_button","Apply Changes",icon = icon("play")), #adds play icon
mainPanel(#main panel are outputs
tabsetPanel(#can divide output into separate viewable screens
tabPanel(#first screen called Plot
title = "Plot",
plotOutput("plot_1") #make Plot screen output image
about_page <- tabPanel(
title = "About",
titlePanel("About"),#create a panel containing an application title
"Created by NC",
br(),#new line
"June 2024"
ui <- navbarPage(#create a page with a top level navigation bar
title = "Data Plotter",
theme = shinytheme('sandstone'),
server <- function(input, output){
data_input <- reactive({ #wraps following expression as reactive, meaning result changes over time
req(input$csv_input)#req ensures there is csv input, otherwise does not run
fread(input$csv_input$datapath)#fast reads input$csv$data path, which is file pathway
data_input_long <- reactive({
pivot_longer(setDF(data_input()), cols = -y, names_to = "Tag", values_to = "Values")
data_filtered <- eventReactive(input$run_button,{
filter(data_input_long(), Tag %in% input$y_axis)
observeEvent(data_input(),{#wraps code and allows it to run when specific reactive expression changes
choices <- c(not_sel,names(data_input()))#create variable "choices", with not_sel at top and the names of data table next
updateSelectInput(inputId = "x_axis", choices = choices)#updates the selectinput, which in turn changes the choices
updateSelectInput(inputId = "y_axis", choices = choices)
output$plot_1 <- renderPlot({
ggplot(data_filtered(), aes(x = .data[[input$x_axis]], y = Values, color = Tag))+
}) #assigns renderPlot to output, renders graph for plot_1
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)#creates Shiny application, user interface is layout of app, server is connection between input and output
In your data_input
reactive function you can replace all NULL values with 0 as follows:
data_input <- reactive({
req(input$csv_input) # req ensures there is csv input, otherwise does not run
dt <- fread(input$csv_input$datapath, na.strings = c("NULL", "")) # fast reads input$csv$data path, which is file pathway
dt[is.na(dt)] <- 0 # replace NA values (including "NULL" strings) with 0
Here, na.strings = c("NULL", "")
in fread
specifies that both "NULL"
and empty strings should be treated as NA
Then, the dt[is.na(dt)] <- 0
line replaces all NA
values in the data table with 0
I am unable to test at the moment, but I'm sure this should work