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Matrix power in R

Trying to compute the power of a matrix in R, I found that package expm implements the operator %^%.

So x %^% k computes the k-th power of a matrix.

> A<-matrix(c(1,3,0,2,8,4,1,1,1),nrow=3)

> A %^% 5
      [,1]  [,2] [,3]
[1,]  6469 18038 2929
[2,] 21837 60902 9889
[3,] 10440 29116 4729

but, to my surprise:

> A
     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]  691 1926  312
[2,] 2331 6502 1056
[3,] 1116 3108  505

somehow the initial matrix A has changed to A %^% 4 !!!

How do you perform the matrix power operation?


  • I have fixed that bug in the R-forge sources (of "expm" package), svn rev. 53. --> expm R-forge page For some reason the web page still shows rev.52, so the following may not yet solve your problem (but should within 24 hours):

     install.packages("expm", repos="")

    Otherwise, get the svn version directly, and install yourself:

     svn checkout svn://

    Thanks to "gd047" who alerted me to the problem by e-mail. Note that R-forge also has its own bug tracking facilities.