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Is it possible to insert a slicer before the vba code runs?

I have created a vba code which copies data from the main sheet to a new sheet depending on a specific cell "Status". If Status is set to active then that particular row is copied and pasted to a new sheet called active. If the status is changed to inactive then that specific row copies and pastes to a new worksheet called inactive.

I have not yet found a way to remove the row from the copied sheet if the status is changed to something else on the main sheet.

My main issue is that I would like to insert a slicer which allows the user to choose the province of the member first.

Once the province is selected, I then need the row to be copied to the new worksheet once the user changes the members status.

I created the vba code which has worked but its really slow.

I then inserted a slicer but now it is not working properly

The code is below:

 Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

 Application.ScreenUpdating = False
 Application.EnableEvents = False
 Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

 Dim lngLastRow As Long
 Dim ActiveSheet As Worksheet, InactiveSheet As Worksheet, PendingSheet As Worksheet, RenewedSheet As Worksheet, FollowUpSheet As Worksheet, RedZoneSheet As Worksheet

 Set ActiveSheet = Sheets("Active")
 Set InactiveSheet = Sheets("Inactive")
 Set PendingSheet = Sheets("Pending")
 Set RenewedSheet = Sheets("Renewed")
 Set FollowUpSheet = Sheets("Follow Up")
 Set RedZoneSheet = Sheets("Red Zone")

 lngLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

 With Range("A5", "R" & lngLastRow)
 .AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Active"
 .Copy ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
 .AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Inactive"
 .Copy InactiveSheet.Range("A1")
 .AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Pending"
 .Copy PendingSheet.Range("A1")
 .AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Renewed"
 .Copy RenewedSheet.Range("A1")
 .AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Follow Up"
 .Copy FollowUpSheet.Range("A1")
 .AutoFilter Field:=4, Criteria1:="Red Zone"
 .Copy RedZoneSheet.Range("A1")
 End With

 Application.ScreenUpdating = True
 Application.EnableEvents = True
 Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

 End Sub


  • I suggest to change the ActiveSheet name since it's already used by the application to identify, you know, the active sheet. Anyway, try using arrays. Here an example:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        Dim lngLastRow As Long
        Dim ActiveSheet As Worksheet, InactiveSheet As Worksheet, PendingSheet As Worksheet, RenewedSheet As Worksheet, FollowUpSheet As Worksheet, RedZoneSheet As Worksheet
        Dim VarSource() As Variant, VarActive() As Variant, VarInactive() As Variant, VarPending() As Variant, VarRenewed() As Variant, VarFollowUp() As Variant, VarRedzone() As Variant
        Dim DblRowIndex As Double, DblColumnIndex As Double, DblCriteriaColumn As Double, DblActiveIndex As Double, DblInactiveIndex As Double, DblPendingIndex As Double, DblRenewedIndex As Double, DblFollowUpIndex As Double, DblRedzoneIndex As Double
        Set ActiveSheet = Sheets("Active")
        Set InactiveSheet = Sheets("Inactive")
        Set PendingSheet = Sheets("Pending")
        Set RenewedSheet = Sheets("Renewed")
        Set FollowUpSheet = Sheets("Follow Up")
        Set RedZoneSheet = Sheets("Red Zone")
        DblCriteriaColumn = 4
        lngLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        VarSource = Range("A5", "R" & lngLastRow).Value2
        ReDim VarActive(1 To UBound(VarSource, 1), 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2))
        ReDim VarInactive(1 To UBound(VarSource, 1), 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2))
        ReDim VarPending(1 To UBound(VarSource, 1), 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2))
        ReDim VarRenewed(1 To UBound(VarSource, 1), 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2))
        ReDim VarFollowUp(1 To UBound(VarSource, 1), 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2))
        ReDim VarRedzone(1 To UBound(VarSource, 1), 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2))
        DblRowIndex = 1
        For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
            VarActive(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
            VarInactive(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
            VarPending(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
            VarRenewed(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
            VarFollowUp(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
            VarRedzone(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
        DblActiveIndex = 1
        DblInactiveIndex = 1
        DblPendingIndex = 1
        DblRenewedIndex = 1
        DblFollowUpIndex = 1
        DblRedzoneIndex = 1
        For DblRowIndex = 2 To UBound(VarSource, 1)
            Select Case VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblCriteriaColumn)
                Case Is = "Active"
                    DblActiveIndex = DblActiveIndex + 1
                    For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                        VarActive(DblActiveIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                Case Is = "Inactive"
                    DblInactiveIndex = DblInactiveIndex + 1
                    For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                        VarInactive(DblInactiveIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                Case Is = "Pending"
                    DblPendingIndex = DblPendingIndex + 1
                    For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                        VarPending(DblPendingIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                Case Is = "Renewed"
                    DblRenewedIndex = DblRenewedIndex + 1
                    For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                        VarRenewed(DblRenewedIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                Case Is = "Follow Up"
                    DblFollowUpIndex = DblFollowUpIndex + 1
                    For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                        VarFollowUp(DblFollowUpIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                Case Is = "Red Zone"
                    DblRedzoneIndex = DblRedzoneIndex + 1
                    For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                        VarRedzone(DblRedzoneIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
            End Select
        ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(VarActive, 1), UBound(VarActive, 2)).Value2 = VarActive
        InactiveSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(VarInactive, 1), UBound(VarInactive, 2)).Value2 = VarInactive
        PendingSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(VarPending, 1), UBound(VarPending, 2)).Value2 = VarPending
        RenewedSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(VarRenewed, 1), UBound(VarRenewed, 2)).Value2 = VarRenewed
        FollowUpSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(VarFollowUp, 1), UBound(VarFollowUp, 2)).Value2 = VarFollowUp
        RedZoneSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(VarRedzone, 1), UBound(VarRedzone, 2)).Value2 = VarRedzone
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        Application.EnableEvents = True
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    End Sub

    It might be also wise to run the subroutine only when the proper column is changed. To achieve this, you might nest the previous code in an If statement like this:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        Dim RngCriteria As Range
        Set RngCriteria = Range("D:D")
        If Intersect(RngCriteria, Target) Is Nothing Then
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            Application.EnableEvents = False
            Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
            Dim lngLastRow As Long
            Dim ActiveSheet As Worksheet, InactiveSheet As Worksheet, PendingSheet As Worksheet, RenewedSheet As Worksheet, FollowUpSheet As Worksheet, RedZoneSheet As Worksheet
            Dim VarSource() As Variant, VarActive() As Variant, VarInactive() As Variant, VarPending() As Variant, VarRenewed() As Variant, VarFollowUp() As Variant, VarRedzone() As Variant
            Dim DblRowIndex As Double, DblColumnIndex As Double, DblCriteriaColumn As Double, DblActiveIndex As Double, DblInactiveIndex As Double, DblPendingIndex As Double, DblRenewedIndex As Double, DblFollowUpIndex As Double, DblRedzoneIndex As Double
            Set ActiveSheet = Sheets("Active")
            Set InactiveSheet = Sheets("Inactive")
            Set PendingSheet = Sheets("Pending")
            Set RenewedSheet = Sheets("Renewed")
            Set FollowUpSheet = Sheets("Follow Up")
            Set RedZoneSheet = Sheets("Red Zone")
            DblCriteriaColumn = 4
            lngLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
            VarSource = Range("A5", "R" & lngLastRow).Value2
            ReDim VarActive(1 To UBound(VarSource, 1), 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2))
            ReDim VarInactive(1 To UBound(VarSource, 1), 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2))
            ReDim VarPending(1 To UBound(VarSource, 1), 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2))
            ReDim VarRenewed(1 To UBound(VarSource, 1), 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2))
            ReDim VarFollowUp(1 To UBound(VarSource, 1), 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2))
            ReDim VarRedzone(1 To UBound(VarSource, 1), 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2))
            DblRowIndex = 1
            For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                VarActive(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                VarInactive(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                VarPending(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                VarRenewed(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                VarFollowUp(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                VarRedzone(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
            DblActiveIndex = 1
            DblInactiveIndex = 1
            DblPendingIndex = 1
            DblRenewedIndex = 1
            DblFollowUpIndex = 1
            DblRedzoneIndex = 1
            For DblRowIndex = 2 To UBound(VarSource, 1)
                Select Case VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblCriteriaColumn)
                    Case Is = "Active"
                        DblActiveIndex = DblActiveIndex + 1
                        For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                            VarActive(DblActiveIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                    Case Is = "Inactive"
                        DblInactiveIndex = DblInactiveIndex + 1
                        For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                            VarInactive(DblInactiveIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                    Case Is = "Pending"
                        DblPendingIndex = DblPendingIndex + 1
                        For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                            VarPending(DblPendingIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                    Case Is = "Renewed"
                        DblRenewedIndex = DblRenewedIndex + 1
                        For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                            VarRenewed(DblRenewedIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                    Case Is = "Follow Up"
                        DblFollowUpIndex = DblFollowUpIndex + 1
                        For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                            VarFollowUp(DblFollowUpIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                    Case Is = "Red Zone"
                        DblRedzoneIndex = DblRedzoneIndex + 1
                        For DblColumnIndex = 1 To UBound(VarSource, 2)
                            VarRedzone(DblRedzoneIndex, DblColumnIndex) = VarSource(DblRowIndex, DblColumnIndex)
                End Select
            ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(VarActive, 1), UBound(VarActive, 2)).Value2 = VarActive
            InactiveSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(VarInactive, 1), UBound(VarInactive, 2)).Value2 = VarInactive
            PendingSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(VarPending, 1), UBound(VarPending, 2)).Value2 = VarPending
            RenewedSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(VarRenewed, 1), UBound(VarRenewed, 2)).Value2 = VarRenewed
            FollowUpSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(VarFollowUp, 1), UBound(VarFollowUp, 2)).Value2 = VarFollowUp
            RedZoneSheet.Range("A1").Resize(UBound(VarRedzone, 1), UBound(VarRedzone, 2)).Value2 = VarRedzone
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Application.EnableEvents = True
            Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
        End If
    End Sub