I'm using the jmeter-maven-plugin in my Maven project to run JMeter tests. I want to fail the build if any of the JMeter test metrics exceed specified performance thresholds (e.g., response time).
Here’s the relevant section of my pom.xml:
com.lazerycode.jmeter jmeter-maven-plugin 3.5.0 configuration configure jmeter-tests verify jmeter jmeter-check-results results xml false false true ${project.base.directory} proxy.host 8080 org.codehaus.mojo xml-maven-plugin 1.0 verify transform
target/jmeter/results src/test/jmeter/jmeter-results-to-junit.xsl target/surefire-reports (.*?)\s(.*?) $1$2 true .xml
Problem: I need to ensure that the Maven build fails if the JMeter tests exceed certain performance thresholds (e.g., response time > 2000 ms). How can I configure the jmeter-maven-plugin to include this check and fail the build accordingly?
Any guidance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!
Additional Details: I am using the jmeter-maven-plugin version 2.7.0. I want to check specific metrics from the JMeter test results. The results are being generated in XML format.
By adding these configurations, the build will check the JMeter test results and fail if the error rate is higher than the specified threshold (10% in this case).