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How to Fail a Maven Build if JMeter Test Performance Exceeds a Threshold? (jmeter-maven-plugin)

I'm using the jmeter-maven-plugin in my Maven project to run JMeter tests. I want to fail the build if any of the JMeter test metrics exceed specified performance thresholds (e.g., response time).

Here’s the relevant section of my pom.xml:

com.lazerycode.jmeter jmeter-maven-plugin 3.5.0 configuration configure jmeter-tests verify jmeter jmeter-check-results results xml false false true ${} 8080 org.codehaus.mojo xml-maven-plugin 1.0 verify transform

target/jmeter/results src/test/jmeter/jmeter-results-to-junit.xsl target/surefire-reports (.*?)\s(.*?) $1$2 true .xml

Problem: I need to ensure that the Maven build fails if the JMeter tests exceed certain performance thresholds (e.g., response time > 2000 ms). How can I configure the jmeter-maven-plugin to include this check and fail the build accordingly?

Any guidance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!

Additional Details: I am using the jmeter-maven-plugin version 2.7.0. I want to check specific metrics from the JMeter test results. The results are being generated in XML format.


    1. Add Execution for jmeter-check-results: Include the following execution in your pom.xml under the jmeter-maven-plugin:


    1. Set Configuration Properties to Check Results and Fail the Build: Configure the properties to check the results and fail the build if the error rate exceeds 10%:



    By adding these configurations, the build will check the JMeter test results and fail if the error rate is higher than the specified threshold (10% in this case).