Search code examples

useFetch doesn't work as expected in nuxt

I'm using useFetch watch to trigger a request when some data changes.

My code:

<script setup>
const page = ref(1);
const pageCount = ref(10);
const search = ref('');

const filterParams = ref({
  role_id: undefined,

await useFetch('events', {
  method: 'GET',
  query: {
    q: search,
    page: page,
    limit: pageCount,
  watch: [search, pageCount],
  onRequest: (config) => {
    console.log('request was sent');

  <select v-model="filterParams.role_id">
    <option :value="1">1</option>
    <option :value="2">2</option>

For some reason, the the request gets executed even though filterParams is not in the watch array.

Check here for a working demo.


  • When you specify some reactive parameters in query, useFetch will be called when they are changed. It's like watch.
    Computed URL.