I created a react native app with expo, I have emailjs. this option are enabled
but I have the next error when I send the form.
FAILED... {"status": 403, "text": "API calls in strict mode, but no private key was passed"}
this is my code, can any help me?? where I put it and how do I pass the private key?...
import emailjs from '@emailjs/browser';
import {
} from '../../utils/email-configuration';
export const emailSend = (data) => {
let templateParams = {
to_name: `${values.name}`,
to_email: `${values.email}`,
from_name: 'Juan',
message: `${values.description}`,
console.log('ENVIADOS: ', JSON.stringify(templateParams));
emailjs.send(serviceID, templateID, templateParams, publicKey).then(
function (response) {
console.log('SUCCESS!', response.status, response.text);
function (error) {
console.log('FAILED...', error);
I try in the field of public key send a json with public and private key.
const Options = {
publicKey: publicKey,
accessToken: privateKey,
emailjs.send(serviceID, templateID, templateParams, Options)
I had the same problem.
Step 1
Go to this page: https://dashboard.emailjs.com/admin/account/security
Step 2
On the page: https://dashboard.emailjs.com/admin/account/security, Change the API settings. Uncheck the box of use private keys: setting to change. view here.