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Generate Sequence of Year-Quarter in R

I have a input dataset that is like this:

Name Date
A 2018 Q2
A 2019 Q3
B 2018 Q4
B 2019 Q4

And my desired output looks like this:

Name Date
A 2018 Q2
A 2018 Q3
A 2018 Q4
A 2019 Q1
A 2019 Q2
A 2019 Q3
B 2018 Q4
B 2019 Q1
B 2019 Q2
B 2019 Q3
B 2019 Q4

Currently I have a for-loop (parse out Year and Quarter and keep adding 1 to start quarter until I reach the end date) However, running the loop takes a lot of time. I am wondering if there are any faster ways of doing this?



  • Convert to yearqtr and then use seq . Note that yearqtr represents year and quarters as the year plus 0, 1/4, 2/4 and 3/4 for the 4 quarters so using seq with by=1/4 will work.

    DF %>%
      mutate(Date = as.yearqtr(Date)) %>%
      reframe(Date = seq(Date[1], Date[2], 1/4), .by = Name)


       Name    Date
    1     A 2018 Q2
    2     A 2018 Q3
    3     A 2018 Q4
    4     A 2019 Q1
    5     A 2019 Q2
    6     A 2019 Q3
    7     B 2018 Q4
    8     B 2019 Q1
    9     B 2019 Q2
    10    B 2019 Q3
    11    B 2019 Q4


    DF <- data.frame(
      Name = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 2L),
      Date = c("2018 Q2", "2019 Q3", "2018 Q4", "2019 Q4")