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always force to update an Entity

The problem that I found is that JPA behavior is that always has to have a change in an entity to trigger a PreUpdate with do a save(). What I want is a way to find a entity in the db and them say update the date using PreUpdate.

My code looks like this:

@Table(name = "Table")
public class TableEntity {
    @GeneratedValue(generator = "UUID")
            name = "UUID",
            strategy = "uuid2"
    @Column(name = "Id", nullable = false)
    private String id;
    @Column(name = "Something")
    private String something;

    @Column(name = "Fecha")
    private LocalDateTime fecha;

    private void update() {

Repository is blank repository without any custom method. The service that I have has an autowired of the repository. Then I have a method like this:

    public InformationDTO save(String id) {

        TableEntity entity = capRepository.findById(id);


        return new InformationDTO();

If I do this, the PreUpdate will trigger and happy days, but if instead of that, I do this method,

    public InformationDTO save(String id) {

        TableEntity entity = capRepository.findById(id);;

        return new InformationDTO();

this won't trigger the PreUpdate.

Is there any way to trigger the PreUpdate without any modification of the entity?


  • You can just call update yourself.