I have a function called scrollText()
defined like this:
function scrollText(p1, p2) {
// Do stuff
// key-value pairs
complete: function(anim) {
showPopup(p3, p4, p5);
Then, let's say I have showPopup()
defined like this:
function showPopup(p3, p4, p5) {
// Do stuff
// key-value pairs
complete: function(anim) {
ShoutLoud(p6, p7);
Basically, I call scrollText()
which calls showPopup()
when anime fires the complete callback. The same thing happens inside showPopup()
but this time,I call ShoutLoud(p6, p7)
on complete.
The structure is vary rigid at this point.
I might not always call scrollText()
inside showPopup()
. Sometimes, I might call ShoutLoud()
or other function.
Also, the parameters will be dynamic and are passed at run time based on user interaction.
The callback functions might not always get called so it is optional.
How do I achieve this?
I could do the parameter calculations inside complete but that would place the code for all the calculations for all the interactions inside complete.
I want to do something like this:
function scrollText(p1, p2, `showPopup(p3, p4, p5, ShoutLoud(p6, p7))`) {
// Do stuff
// key-value pairs
complete: function(anim) {
showPopup(p3, p4, p5);
This is becoming callback hell. I don't think it is maintainable in the long run. Is there a better alternative?
Pass the callback function as an extra parameter to your functions:
function scrollText(p1, p2, complete) {
// Do stuff
// Key-value pairs
function showPopup(p3, p4, p5, complete) {
// Do stuff
// Key-value pairs
Then you can invoke them like
scrollText(p1, p2, () =>
showPopup(p3, p4, p5, () =>
ShoutLoud(p6, p7)