Search code examples

How to check if an item of list exists in another list in jolt

In the given input request, check if the request.PartyAlternateId.item.AltIdType.idTyp is equal to existingMDMResponse.PartyAlternateId.item.AltIdType.idTyp, if so then add existingMDMResponse.PartyAlternateId.item.rowidObject as PartyAlternateId.item.key.rowid to the same item in the output. Repeat this matching to all items in the request.PartyAlternateId.item. And also add the existingMDMResponse.PartyAlternateId.item.rowidObject to the PartyAlternateId.$original.item.rowid in the output. will go as PartyAlternateId.item.key.sourcekey for all the matched items.


  "request": {
    "PartyAlternateId": {
      "item": [
          "AltIdType": {
            "idTyp": "0002",
            "idTypDesc": "UCM ID"
          "AltIdVal": "B99857DB-5B3C-469a-A976-F504AA74660A"
          "AltIdType": {
            "idTyp": "0001",
            "idTypDesc": "Account Number OU_NUM"
          "AltIdVal": "104267367"
  "existingMDMResponse": {
    "MaskedFlg": false,
    "PartyAlternateId": {
      "link": [],
      "firstRecord": 1,
      "pageSize": 10,
      "searchToken": "multi",
      "item": [
          "rowidObject": "1801667       ",
          "label": "Party Alternate Id",
          "AltIdVal": "B6C6C095-7924-490a-BFF8-325F43921F3A",
          "AltIdType": {
            "rowidObject": "20006         ",
            "label": "Lookup Alternate Id Type",
            "idTyp": "0006",
            "idTypDesc": "Ultimate Sales Account"
          "rowidObject": "1801668       ",
          "label": "Party Alternate Id",
          "AltIdVal": "46C01DCD-64E3-47c5-98B3-E1E0F029EDD9",
          "AltIdType": {
            "rowidObject": "20007         ",
            "label": "Lookup Alternate Id Type",
            "idTyp": "0007",
            "idTypDesc": "Sales Account UCM ID"
          "rowidObject": "1801669       ",
          "label": "Party Alternate Id",
          "AltIdVal": "91109",
          "AltIdType": {
            "rowidObject": "20008         ",
            "label": "Lookup Alternate Id Type",
            "idTyp": "0008",
            "idTypDesc": "Portal Organization ID"
          "rowidObject": "12880622",
          "label": "Party Alternate Id",
          "AltIdVal": "5D4F54B8-5C26-4c61-A73D-6324AEC3951A",
          "EffStrtDt": "2022-02-04",
          "AltIdType": {
            "rowidObject": "20002         ",
            "label": "Lookup Alternate Id Type",
            "idTyp": "0002",
            "idTypDesc": "UCM ID"
          "rowidObject": "12880628",
          "label": "Party Alternate Id",
          "AltIdVal": "158126",
          "AltIdType": {
            "rowidObject": "20001         ",
            "label": "Lookup Alternate Id Type",
            "idTyp": "0001",
            "idTypDesc": "Account Number"
          "rowidObject": "87164         ",
          "label": "Party Alternate Id",
          "AltIdVal": "4683",
          "AltIdType": {
            "rowidObject": "20008         ",
            "label": "Lookup Alternate Id Type",
            "idTyp": "0008",
            "idTypDesc": "Portal Organization ID"

Expected Output

  "PartyAlternateId": {
    "item": [
        "key": {
          "rowid": "12880628"
        "AltIdType": {
          "idTyp": "0001",
          "idTypDesc": "Account Number OU_NUM"
        "AltIdVal": "104267367"
        "key": {
          "rowid": "12880622"
        "AltIdType": {
          "idTyp": "0002",
          "idTypDesc": "UCM ID"
        "AltIdVal": "B99857DB-5B3C-469a-A976-F504AA74660A"
    "$original": {
      "item": [
          "rowid": "12880628"
          "rowid": "12880622"


  • Try the following spec:

        //group items from PartyAlternateId & existingMDMResponse
        // under each idType value object where if there is match the same
        // idType value object will host both info and hence we can create
        // the required structure
        "operation": "shift",
        "spec": {
          "request": {
            "PartyAlternateId": {
              "item": {
                "*": {
                  "AltIdType": {
                    "*": "PartyAlternateId.item.@(1,idTyp).&",
                    "@(4,id)": "PartyAlternateId.item.@(1,idTyp).key.sourcekey"
          "existingMDMResponse": {
            "PartyAlternateId": {
              "item": {
                "*": {
                  "AltIdType": {
                    "@(1,rowidObject)": "PartyAlternateId.item.@(1,idTyp).key.rowid"
        //transpose match items to new array
        "operation": "shift",
        "spec": {
          "PartyAlternateId": {
            "item": {
              "*": {
                "key": {
                  //if sourcekey found that has rowid then move to the new array
                  "sourcekey": {
                    "@(1,rowid)": {
                      "@(3)": "PartyAlternateId.item[]",
                      //move matched items rowid to the original array 
                      "@": "PartyAlternateId.\\$original.item[].rowid"