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Forwarding requests to different verticle based on path param (Vert.x)

I'm using Vert.x for the first time ever to try to build an API in Java. Right now I can use an eventBus in my main verticle to forward certain routes like /example/:name etc to a handler that sends an eventBus message to it's respective verticle.

  void helloPOC(RoutingContext context) {
            reply -> {
              context.response().end((String) reply.result().body());

However, it doesn't make sense to have so many handlers in my main verticle. I don't assume this endpoint is going to be very fancy and have a lot of variables involved, but I want to be able to have a handler that can take all requests like /example/* to be handled in it's respective exampleVerticle.

I could find any resources to do so but essentially this is how some pseudocode for what I want to be able to do.



  // routes to exampleVerticle

void helloExample(RoutingContext context) {
          reply -> {
            // some sort of reply

Obviously I don't have much of an idea what I'm doing but I hope what I'm trying to do makes sense.

Thanks in advance!


  • Vert.x, as a toolkit and not a framework, does not prescribe how to organize your source code. You can do it as you like and it should work.

    For example, you could put all your handlers in a utility class and wire them from another place:

    public final class Handlers {
        private Handlers() {}
        public Handler<RoutingContext> getOranges() {
            return ctx -> ctx.end("Juicy Oranges");
        public Handler<RoutingContext> getBananas() {
            return ctx -> ctx.end("Tasty Bananas");

    And in another Verticle:


    Frankly, most of the time, I just deploy one HttpVerticle from my MainVerticle like so:

    public final class HttpVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
        public void start(Promise<Void> startPromise) {
            var router = Router.router(vertx);
                .onSuccess(__ -> startPromise.complete(null))
                .onFailure(ex ->;

    And in MainVerticle:

    public final class MainVerticle extends AbstractVerticle {
        public void start(Promise<Void> startPromise) {
            vertx.deployVerticle(new HttpVerticle())
                .onSuccess(__ -> startPromise.complete(null))
                .onFailure(ex ->;