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Why am I not able to sort multiple times?

So i am trying to sort an array of data about 4 times to use in 4 different places. I could probably save for the back end but I would rather this way.

I seem to be having an issue where only one sort seems to be working. Like this this is the component

export class xService {
  comp$: Observable<any[]> | undefined;
  c1 = new Array();
cp1 = new Array();
at_b3 = new Array();
at_b = new Array();
at_b2 = new Array();

  constructor(public a_s: AServ, private db: AngularFireDatabase) {

    this.comp$ = this.a_s.xc$.pipe(switchMap((x) => {
      return this.db.list('people/'+x).valueChanges();   

      this.comp$.subscribe({next: (value) => {
this.c1 = value[0];
this.cp1 = value[0].users;
this.at_b3 = value[0].users;


  this.at_b = this.cp1.sort((a: any, b: any) => Number(a.stats[0].day_off) - Number(b.stats[0].day_off)).reverse();
  this.at_b2 = this.cp1.sort((a: any, b: any) => Number(a.stats[0].places_went) - Number(b.stats[0].places_went)).reverse();



This part is the issue

  this.at_b = this.cp1.sort((a: any, b: any) => Number(a.stats[0].day_off) - Number(b.stats[0].day_off)).reverse();
  this.at_b2 = this.cp1.sort((a: any, b: any) => Number(a.stats[0].places_went) - Number(b.stats[0].places_went)).reverse();

When i try rendering or using console log. I can't get 2 distinct arrays I get the same one.


  • You need to create a copy of the arrays prior to sorting:

    export class xService {
      comp$: Observable<any[]> | undefined;
      c1 = new Array();
      cp1 = new Array();
      at_b3 = new Array();
      at_b = new Array();
      at_b2 = new Array();
      constructor(public a_s: AServ, private db: AngularFireDatabase) {
        this.comp$ = this.a_s.xc$.pipe(
          switchMap((x) => {
            return this.db.list("people/" + x).valueChanges();
          next: (value) => {
            this.c1 = value[0];
            this.cp1 = value[0].users;
            this.at_b3 = value[0].users;
            this.at_b = [...this.cp1]
                (a: any, b: any) =>
                  Number(a.stats[0].day_off) - Number(b.stats[0].day_off)
            this.at_b2 = [...this.cp1]
                (a: any, b: any) =>
                  Number(a.stats[0].places_went) - Number(b.stats[0].places_went)


    • Array.prototype.sort() sorts the array in place and returns the sorted array.

    • When you make a call using sort() on cp1, it directly modifies cp1. Therefore, both this.at_b and this.at_b2 are sorted based on the last sort() operation performed, which outputs the same arrays.