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Can I add a Unity scene as a composable?

Currently I have a Unity scene running as a view in an activity (very similar to this solution). As we're migrating to more composables, I'm wondering how to do that in this case. Simplistically I could put a UnityPlayer in an AndroidView composable but I feel like that's missing a lot of context and lifecycle stuff that Unity depends on. I tried a quick proof of concept using an AndroidView composable and didn't get very far. Before spending too long trying to figure it out I thought I'd check if there's a known solution. Has anyone tried this before and found a working solution?

Thank you!


  • Someone posted an answer yesterday and before I could approve it, it was removed. So here's my version of the answer I was given yesterday. To whoever posted it - thank you.

    fun UnityComposable(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
        val context = LocalContext.current
        val unityPlayer = remember { UnityPlayer(context) }
        DisposableEffect(Unit) {
            onDispose {
            modifier = modifier,
            factory = { context ->
                unityPlayer.apply {
                    val params = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(
                    layoutParams = params
            update = { view ->
                unityPlayer.settings?.getInt("gles_mode", 1).also {
                    if (it != null) {
                        // Unsure if this is required, but I have it and it works
                        unityPlayer.init(it, false)
        val lifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current
        DisposableEffect(lifecycleOwner) {
            val observer = LifecycleEventObserver { _, event ->
                when (event) {
                    Lifecycle.Event.ON_RESUME -> unityPlayer.resume()
                    Lifecycle.Event.ON_PAUSE -> unityPlayer.pause()
                    Lifecycle.Event.ON_DESTROY -> unityPlayer.quit()
                    else -> {}
            onDispose {