I'm basically starting a foreground media-service from an activity and then move the activity to Lifecycle.State.DESTROYED
. ServiceTestRule
is not really sufficient for testing bound services, which may require testing the bound service notification.
public class MainActivityTest extends BaseActivityTestCase {
protected ActivityScenario<MainActivity> mScenario;
public void setupTest() {
this.getScenario().onActivity(activity -> { /* ... */ });
public void testActivityLifecycle() {
/* Destroy the Activity. */
/* TODO: Use UiAutomator to click media-controls. */
protected ActivityScenario<MainActivity> getScenario() {
return this.mScenario;
protected void setScenario(@NonNull ActivityScenario<MainActivity> scenario) {
this.mScenario = scenario;
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
How to access media-service notification controls with UiAutomator?
I've wrote some methods, in order to get a handle to the media-service notification.
a) This open the notification panel - and returns the notification panel ScrollView
static final UiDevice mDevice = UiDevice.getInstance(getInstrumentation());
UiObject openNotificationPanel() {
synchronized (mDevice) {
if (mDevice.openNotification()) {
mDevice.wait(Until.hasObject(By.pkg("com.android.systemui")), 10000);
UiObject item = mDevice.findObject(new UiSelector().resourceId("com.android.systemui:id/notification_stack_scroller"));
return item;
} else {
return null;
b) This returns child-node android:id/notification_media_content
from the ScrollView
UiObject getMediaServiceNotification(@NonNull UiObject scrollView) {
try {
UiObject item = scrollView
.getChild(new UiSelector().resourceId("android:id/notification_media_content"));
return item;
} catch (UiObjectNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG,"UiObjectNotFoundException: " + e.getMessage());
return null;
c) And this ultimately clicks the media-action button inside the notification.
The relevant child-nodes are: mediaActions, mainColumn, mediaProgress
Boolean clickMediaActionAtIndex(@NonNull UiObject notification, int index) {
try {
UiObject mediaActions = notification.getChild(new UiSelector().resourceId("android:id/media_actions"));
UiObject mainColumn = notification.getChild(new UiSelector().resourceId("android:id/notification_main_column"));
UiObject mediaProgress = notification.getChild(new UiSelector().resourceId("android:id/notification_media_progress"));
if (index < mediaActions.getChildCount()) {
UiObject mediaAction = mediaActions.getChild(new UiSelector().className("android.widget.ImageButton").index(index));
return true;
} catch (UiObjectNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG,"UiObjectNotFoundException: " + e.getMessage());
return false;
And the test-case looks about alike this:
public class MainActivityTest extends TestCase {
public void testActivityLifecycle() {
/* Destroy the Activity. */
/* UiAutomator: Media Service Notification. */
UiObject scrollView = this.openNotificationPanel();
UiObject notification = this.getMediaServiceNotification(scrollView);
/* Click Media Action: Play/Pause. */
assertTrue(this.clickMediaActionAtIndex(notification, 2));