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Gracefully handling errors when parsing dates in DuckDB

While ingesting some very poor quality data I'd like to use strptime and nullify any entries that error on strptime.

I can manually specify exclusions with a case statement:

select * EXCLUDE (date_of_birth),
   WHEN date_of_birth[5:6]::int <= 12 AND 
        date_of_birth[5:6]::int > 0 AND
        date_of_birth[7:]::int <= 31 AND
        NOT (date_of_birth[5:6]::int = 11 AND date_of_birth[7:]::int >= 31) AND
        NOT (date_of_birth[5:6]::int = 2 AND date_of_birth[7:]::int >= 29)
   THEN strptime(date_of_birth, '%Y%m%d')::DATE
END AS date_of_birth

from read_csv_auto(
    types={'date_of_birth': 'VARCHAR'}

But this method is very unsatisfactory. For one I can't anticipate all possible bad dates - and in this instance I'm not able to change the source system. Can anyone point me in a better direction?


  • The newer try_strptime() function introduced by @hawkfish in a comment last year is the most concise (and likely most robust) solution.

      try_strptime(date_of_birth, '%Y%m%d')::date    as date_of_birth
    FROM ...