I'm doing the motokobootcamp.com chapter 1 and trying this simple code, the canister doesn't run on Gitpod.
import Buffer "mo:base/Buffer";
actor {
let name : Text = "deFiSport";
var manifesto : Text = "deFiSport is a DAO that rules few canisters & dApps allowing young sportsmen & sportwomen to earn money thanks to their performances, image & more."
let goals : Buffer.Buffer = Buffer.Buffer<Text>(0);
public shared query func getName() : async Text {
return name;
public shared query func getManifesto() : async Text {
return manifesto;
public func setManifesto(newManifesto : Text) : async () {
manifesto := newManifesto;
public func addGoal(newGoal : Text) : async () {
public shared query func getGoals() : async [Text] {
return Buffer.toArray(goals);
I tried to :
Copy-Paste the solution, it doesn't work
Watching the tutorial
Read the docs, especially about Buffer
This is what returns the terminal.
-------------------------- Edit --------------------------
The problem was a semi-column that I missed to the variable manifesto.
I see that this line does not end with a semicolon.
var manifesto : Text = "deFiSport is a DAO that rules few canisters & dApps allowing young sportsmen & sportwomen to earn money thanks to their performances, image & more."
Verify your github access is working. Check ability to: login to github; access files on github from your local machine (e.g. git clone). if you haven't done so, "Create GitHub SSH keys"
Another path: Setup a local motoko build environment and build without deploy. https://internetcomputer.org/docs/current/developer-docs/getting-started/install/#installing-dfx-via-dfxvm
Once you have a solution that builds, test it in the "Motoko Playground - DFINITY" by creating a project there and copy/paste your source code. Build the canister there. Submit your cansister id as per the assignment.