I have a table in Google Sheets
that logs individual transactions for various stock symbols, structured as follows:
I want to aggregate these transactions to show complete trades in a summarized format like this:
Each row in the output represents a complete trade, aggregated from multiple transactions. For each trade, I need to calculate the average entry time, average exit time, total quantity, average entry price, and average exit price.
Here is the sample document
I tried these solutions given by @player0. It's working perfectly. The only catch is that it combines these two WMT trades into one WMT trade and it doesn't show the actual size. Other than that, it's working really well.
Any assistance on how to achieve this in Google Sheets
would be greatly appreciated!
I was able to figure out how to separate these two trades using your previous answers
...so I skipped this step and just added Total Quantity
as per your request and also optimized for speed, removed dependency for RT helper and shortened the 2 years old formula to make it more readable
={SPLIT("Date♦AV Entry time♦AV Exit Time♦Symbol♦Total Quantity♦AV Entry Price♦AV Exit Price", "♦");
a, A2:INDEX(A:A, MATCH(, 0/(A:A<>""))),
b, OFFSET(a,,1),
c, OFFSET(b,,1),
d, OFFSET(c,,1),
e, OFFSET(d,,1),
r, ROW(a),
g, MMULT(1*TRANSPOSE(IF((TOROW(r)>=r)*(c&a = TRANSPOSE(c&a)), d, 0)), r^0),
p, (d>0)*(g>0),
n, (d<0)*(g<1),
q, IF((d>0)*COUNTIFS(a&c&p, a&c&p, r, "<="&r), {b, e, d}, ),
w, IF((d<0)*COUNTIFS(a&c&n, a&c&n, r, "<="&r), {b, e}, ),
u, SPLIT(UNIQUE(c)&"×0♦0", "♦"),
z, IF(d>0, COUNTIFS(c&p, c&p, r, "<="&r), ), x, COUNTIFS(c, c, r, "<="&r),
m, a&c&VLOOKUP(r, IF(IF(a="",,IF(VLOOKUP(c&"×"&x-1, {u; c&"×"&x, g}, 2, )<>0,,z))<>"",
{r, IF(a="",,IF(VLOOKUP(c&"×"&x-1, {u; c&"×"&x, p}, 2, )<>0,,z))}), 2),
QUERY(QUERY({a, c, q, w, m},
"select Col1,avg(Col3),avg(Col6),Col2,sum(Col5),avg(Col4),avg(Col7)
where Col1 is not null group by Col1,Col2,Col8"), "offset 1", )))}