I would like to output detailed playwright tests while running in CI using github actions. Following is my playwright.yml file.
Something like this:
jobSearch.spec.js:39:3 › Search functionality › Click on All Work types and click on Full time check box
Can someone please advise how can we get logs for the detailed test run in ci ?
name: Playwright e2e Tests
branches: [ main, master ]
branches: [ main, master ]
timeout-minutes: 60
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: lts/*
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci
- name: Install Playwright Browsers
run: npx playwright install --with-deps
- name: Run Playwright tests
run: |
npx playwright test 2>&1 | while IFS= read -r line; do
echo "$line"
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: always()
name: playwright-report
path: playwright-report/
retention-days: 30
Current output log for tests in CI:
Running 10 tests using 1 worker
What is the count we getting::19
·What is the count we getting::9
·Option text ::Full time
·Button text: SEEK
·Button text: Sign in
·What is the count we getting::19
·What is the count we getting::9
·Option text ::Full time
·Button text: SEEK
·Button text: Sign in
Sample test:
// SearchBoxPage class and methods
class SearchBoxPage {
constructor(page) {
this.page = page;
this.moreOptionsLocator = 'button[data-automation="moreOptionsButton"] span>span';
this.searchWorkTypesLocator = 'label[data-automation="toggleWorkTypePanel"]';
this.searchWorkTypesOptionLocator = 'div[data-automation="refineWorkType"] ul > li > span > a span';
this.selectedWorkTypeLocator = 'label[data-automation="toggleWorkTypePanel"] div > span > span span'
async getWorkTypesDropdown() {
const workTypesDropdown = await this.page.locator(this.searchWorkTypesLocator);
return workTypesDropdown;
async getWorkTypesOption(optiontext) {
const element = `${this.searchWorkTypesOptionLocator}:text("${optiontext}")`;
const option = await this.page.locator(element);
return option;
async getMoreOptionsButton() {
const element = `${this.moreOptionsLocator}:text("More options")`;
const moreOptionsBtn = await this.page.locator(element);
await moreOptionsBtn.click();
async getSelectedWorkTypeOption() {
const workTypeOption = await this.page.locator(this.selectedWorkTypeLocator);
const textValue = workTypeOption.textContent();
return textValue;
module.exports = SearchBoxPage;
test('Click on All Work types and click on Full time check box', async ({ page }) => {
const searchPage = new SearchBoxPage(page);
await searchPage.getMoreOptionsButton();
const workTypesBox = await searchPage.getWorkTypesDropdown();
await workTypesBox.click({ force: true });
const workTypesOption = await searchPage.getWorkTypesOption("Full time");
await workTypesOption.click();
const workTypeText = await searchPage.getSelectedWorkTypeOption();
console.log("Option text ::"+workTypeText);
expect(workTypeText).toContain("Full time");
// @ts-check
const { defineConfig, devices } = require('@playwright/test');
* @see https://playwright.dev/docs/test-configuration
module.exports = defineConfig({
testDir: './tests',
/* Run tests in files in parallel */
fullyParallel: true,
forbidOnly: !!process.env.CI,
/* Retry on CI only */
retries: process.env.CI ? 2 : 0,
/* Opt out of parallel tests on CI. */
workers: process.env.CI ? 1 : undefined,
/* Reporter to use. See https://playwright.dev/docs/test-reporters */
reporter: 'html',
/* Shared settings for all the projects below. See https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-testoptions. */
use: {
/* Base URL to use in actions like `await page.goto('/')`. */
baseURL: 'https://www.seek.com.au/',
/* Collect trace when retrying the failed test. See https://playwright.dev/docs/trace-viewer */
trace: 'on-first-retry',
screenshot: 'only-on-failure', // Capture screenshots only on test failure
screenshotPath: 'tests/screenshots/',
/* Configure projects for major browsers */
projects: [
/* Test against branded browsers. */
name: 'Microsoft Edge',
use: { ...devices['Desktop Edge'], channel: 'msedge' },
name: 'Google Chrome',
use: { ...devices['Desktop Chrome'], channel: 'chrome' },
Your playwright.config.js is set to reporter: 'html'
regardless of environment.
Change that to 'list'
in CI:
module.exports = defineConfig({
// ...
reporter: process.env.CI ? 'list' : 'html',
// ...
See the docs for CI reporting.