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Building .Net MAUI application with VSCode 'Platform/Android/google-services.json' would result in a file outside of the app bundle and cannot be used

When attempting to build my .Net 8.0 MAUI application for debugging an iOS 18 simulator on my Mac using VSCode I get the following errors:

Platforms/Android/google-services.json : error : The path '../../../../../../../../../Users/user/MyMauiApp/Platforms/Android/google-services.json' would result in a file outside of the app bundle and cannot be used. [/Users/user/MyMauiApp/MyMauiApp.csproj::TargetFramework=net8.0-ios]

Platforms/Android/google-services.json : error :          [/Users/user/MyMauiApp/MyMauiApp.csproj::TargetFramework=net8.0-ios]

I have the file referenced in my .csproj under the android build condition:

<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)' == 'net8.0-android'">
   <PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.Core" Version="" />
   <PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.Collection" Version="" />
   <PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.Collection.Ktx" Version="" />
   <PackageReference Include="Xamarin.AndroidX.Activity.Ktx" Version="" />
   <GoogleServicesJson Include="Platforms\Android\google-services.json" />

and nowhere else. I've tried excluding it from the iOS build with:

<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)' == 'net8.0-ios'">
  <PackageReference Include="Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Core" Version="" />
  <BundleResource Include="Platforms\iOS\GoogleService-Info.plist" Link="GoogleService-Info.plist" />
  <None Remove="Platforms/Android/google-services.json" />

and still get the error. The rest of my team is getting the same error and can't find a way past it. The error does not occur when we build for android using Visual Studio 2022 on a Windows device. I'm not sure what to try next.


  • Adding the wildcard

    <ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)' == 'net8.0-ios'">
        <Content Remove="**\google-services.json" />

    Got past this error for me. It does not work with a forward slash, must use back slash to match windows pathing.