I have a main page Transact.razor
Page. Inside my Transact Page
, there is a button named Add New
which will open a MudDialog (AddTransact.razor
) where I can add a new transaction. If I were to close the MudDialog (Add Transact
), i want to rerender the Transact Page so that the newly added transaction will reflect on the table in the Transact Page.
How do i do that?
I am using blazor server-side .Net 8. Since blazor is a single page application, I want to rerender the page because "refreshing" the page will defeat the purpose of SPA.
What I tried so far is:
private async Task AddNew()
var options = new DialogOptions { ClassBackground = "my-custom-class", CloseOnEscapeKey = true, MaxWidth = MaxWidth.Medium, FullWidth = true, NoHeader = true };
var dialog = DialogService.Show<AddTransact>("Add New", options);
var result = await dialog.Result;
if (!result.Cancelled)
await vwTranService.GetAllVwTransactions();
This is my AddTransact.razor
private async void Submit()
if(selectedUser is not null)
isVisible = true;
await Task.Delay(1000);
Transaction!.UserID = selectedUser?.id;
Transaction!.DOCUMENT_NUM = DocumentNumber;
Transaction.CREATED_DATE = DateValue;
Transaction.PARTICULARS = Particulars;
Transaction.AMOUNT = Amount;
if (Amount > selectedUser!.Balance)
Snackbar.Add("User does not have enough balance.", Severity.Error);
Balance!.UserID = selectedUser?.id;
Balance.Balance -= Amount;
await tranService.AddTransactionAsync(Transaction);
await balanceService.UpdateBalance(Balance);
Snackbar.Add("Transaction added successfully", Severity.Success);
Transaction = new();
selectedUser = new();
users = new();
await vwUserService.GetAllUsers();
await GenerateDocumentNumberAsync();
Amount = 0;
Particulars = string.Empty;
Balance = new();
isVisible = false;
Snackbar.Add("Please select a user", Severity.Warning);
somehow, it does not work
Created a method to load the data instead of putting it on the OnInitializedAsync
Method to Load the data:
private async Task LoadData()
if (isHr)
searchResults = await vwTranService.GetAllVwTransactions();
searchResults = searchResults.Where(x => x.Status == "In-Process").ToList();
searchResults = await vwTranService.GetAllVwTransactions();
searchResults = searchResults.OrderByDescending(x => x.ID).ToList();
then in my AddNew
I used ReloadDataServer
private async Task AddNew()
var options = new DialogOptions
ClassBackground = "my-custom-class",
CloseOnEscapeKey = true,
MaxWidth = MaxWidth.Medium,
FullWidth = true,
NoHeader = true
var dialog = DialogService.Show<AddTransact>("Add New", options);
var result = await dialog.Result;
await LoadData();
await TransactionGrid.ReloadServerData();
So instead of refreshing the whole page (which would ruin the SPA), I refreshed the datagrid itself to reload the newly added transaction.