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Cython: How to pass a numpy memoryview to a nogil cdef function

I would like to send a numpy array (memoryview) to another Cython function.

cdef int function(int[:,:] ref) nogil:

cpdef test():
    cdef np.ndarray[int, ndim=2] ref = np.full((10,10),0)
    with nogil:

This compiles okay, but gives me Windows fatal exception: access violation when I execute. This all works okay, if I remove nogil, but I would prefer not to do this if possible.



  • My opinion is that it shouldn't compile, and that you should report the compiling and the exception as a bug to

    Python Object -> memoryview does require the GIL (although memoryview -> memoryview doesn't). Therefore you need to initialize a memoryview outside the nogil block:

    cpdef test():
        cdef np.ndarray[int, ndim=2] ref = np.full((10,10),0)
        cdef int[:,:] ref_view = ref
        with nogil:

    or move the nogil block into function (if that makes sense in your real code).

    There probably isn't a huge advantage to setting the type np.ndarray[int, ndim=2] - the only thing that gives you is faster element indexing (which is also what memoryviews give you).