am using ag-grid react in my project to load the data. Where as i need to over ride when the row is selected. Am doing it inline style way due to some reason.
<Paper className="ag-theme-material"
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
"": {
color: theme.general_theme.purpleBlue,
" .ag-selected-row-background-color": {
"backgroundColor": "green"
In my above code the check box when its checked, it turned into my purple theme color. The same way am trying to change my selected-row
color its not working. Can some one please let me know what is wrong in it.
Let try it
< Paper
className = "ag-theme-material"
sx = {
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
"": {
color: theme.general_theme.purpleBlue,
"--ag-selected-row-background-color": "green", // Set the selected row color
} >
AgGrid > < /AgGrid> <