I been spending some time today, trying to produce my first maven managed Google app engine 1.5.4 + GWT 2.4.0 build.
I'm finally at a stage where everything compiles, and the gae:run goal works. Which was more work that I had imagines, but hey, its all good fun.
Anyways, my question now is, eventhough everything works, I get the following ERROR when the datanucleus enhancer runs.
[ERROR] --------------------
[ERROR] Standard error from the DataNucleus tool + org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer :
[ERROR] --------------------
[ERROR] Oct 02, 2011 11:04:39 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer <init>
INFO: DataNucleus Enhancer : Using ClassEnhancer "ASM" for API "JDO"
Oct 02, 2011 11:04:39 PM org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry resolveConstraints
INFO: Bundle "org.datanucleus" has an optional dependency to "org.eclipse.equinox.registry" but it cannot be resolved
Oct 02, 2011 11:04:39 PM org.datanucleus.plugin.NonManagedPluginRegistry resolveConstraints
INFO: Bundle "org.datanucleus" has an optional dependency to "org.eclipse.core.runtime" but it cannot be resolved
Oct 02, 2011 11:04:39 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer main
INFO: DataNucleus Enhancer (version 1.1.4) : Validation of enhancement state
Oct 02, 2011 11:04:40 PM org.datanucleus.jdo.metadata.JDOAnnotationReader processClassAnnotations
INFO: Class "net.kindleit.gae.example.model.Message" has been specified with JDO annotations so using those.
Oct 02, 2011 11:04:40 PM org.datanucleus.metadata.MetaDataManager loadClasses
INFO: Class "net.kindleit.gae.example.model.Messages" has no MetaData or annotations.
Oct 02, 2011 11:04:40 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer addMessage
INFO: ENHANCED (PersistenceCapable) : net.kindleit.gae.example.model.Message
Oct 02, 2011 11:04:40 PM org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer addMessage
INFO: DataNucleus Enhancer completed with success for 1 classes. Timings : input=78 ms, enhance=15 ms, total=93 ms. Consult the log for full details
[ERROR] --------------------
What's going on there? What's with the [ERROR] blocks? It doesnt seem like there are any errors at all?
Additionally, I get the following warning, which I dont entirely understand
[WARNING] Could not transfer metadata asm:asm/maven-metadata.xml from/to local.repository (file:../../local.repository/trunk): No connector available to access repository local.repository (file:../../local.repository/trunk) of type legacy using the available factories WagonRepositoryConnectorFactory
And finally, how come all the dependencies are added to the datanucleus enchancer classpath? There's a [INFO] message from datanucleus enhancer listing all the jars in its classpath and it seem to contain everything, how come? I would have thought only the JDO and persistence related libraries was needed there?
I have same error as you. Then I changed version to latest one. The errors are gone.
<!--datanucleus related dependencies-->
<!--jdo related dependencies-->
exclude the legacy javax.transaction:transaction-api and replace it
with javax.transaction:jta (it appears to be the same thing)
Make sure this path contains your persistent classes!