I am currently trying to create a MudBlazor WebApp. As I am quite new to MudBlazor I try to figure out how the spacing and page layouting works.
So i took a very basic layout from the MudBlazor Wireframes with drawer left and top appbar.
So my MainLayout.razor
looks like this:
<MudAppBar Elevation="1">
<MudIconButton Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.Menu" Color="Color.Inherit" Edge="Edge.Start" OnClick="@((e) => DrawerToggle())" />
<MudSpacer />
<MudIconButton Icon="@Icons.Material.Filled.MoreVert" Color="Color.Inherit" Edge="Edge.End" />
<MudDrawer @bind-Open="_drawerOpen" Elevation="2">
<MudText Typo="Typo.h5" Class="mt-1">@Configuration["ApplicationSettings:AppName"]</MudText>
And my page layout:
<MudGrid Justify="Justify.Center">
<MudItem xs="2" Style="background-color: aqua; height: 90vh;"></MudItem>
<MudItem xs="8" Style="background-color: red; height: 90vh;"></MudItem>
<MudItem xs="2" Style="background-color: aqua; height: 90vh;"></MudItem>
<MudItem xs="12" Style="background-color: yellow; height: 10vh;"></MudItem>
Now there are two main problems that bother me
height: auto
or something like that. I thought 90vh
means 90% of the parent containers height but appearently something went wrong hereMudGrid
which I can't even really influence and 12
stands for take whole available space
You need to account for the space that the AppBar uses.
<MudGrid Justify="Justify.Center">
<MudItem xs="2" Style="background-color: aqua; height: calc(90vh - var(--mud-appbar-height));"></MudItem>
<MudItem xs="8" Style="background-color: red; height: calc(90vh - var(--mud-appbar-height));"></MudItem>
<MudItem xs="2" Style="background-color: aqua; height: calc(90vh - var(--mud-appbar-height));"></MudItem>
<MudItem xs="12" Style="background-color: yellow; height: 10vh;"></MudItem>
Full example here