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How to edit value from a linked table in a dropdown(<select>) box?

How to output and edit columns of a many-to-many table through <select\>.

I have three tables : filial_work , department_work, contact_work .

In them, I managed to output only the already assigned id_filial(id_department) , but I need everything to be output and they can be changed.

filial_work :

id_filial | filial

department_work :

id_department | department | department_email


id_contact | id_filial | id_department | full_name | email_user | work_number | tel_number

script for outputting a string by ip from the contact_work table

include "../src/php/connect_db_tel-sprav-contact.php";
$id_contact = $_GET['id'];
$result = mysqli_query($induction, "SELECT * FROM `contact_work` WHERE `id_contact` = '$id_contact'");
$result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result); 
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="ru">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/css/Create_contact_style.css">
  <title>Editing a contact</title></head>
<header><img src="/src/img/01-logo.webp" alt="Centrospas-Yugoria logo">
  <h1 class="logo">Editing a contact</h1></header>
<div class="visual_create_new_user">
  <form action="/src/php/script_change_contact.php " method="post"> //script for outputting a string by ip from the
    contact_work table<input type="hidden" name="id_contact" value="<?= $result['id_contact'] ?>">
      <button onclick="location.href='/src/TEST_Admin_Contact.php'">Back to contacts</button>
    <p>Change Branch: <select>
        <option><?= $result['id_filial'] ?></option>
    <p>Change Department: <select>
        <option><?= $result['id_department'] ?></option>
    <p>Change the Position: <input type="text" name="_post" value="<?= $result['post'] ?>"></p>
    <p>Change your FULL NAME: <input required type="text" name="full_name" value="<?= $result['full_name'] ?>"></p>
    <p>Change Email: <input type="text" name="email_user" value="<?= $result['email_user'] ?>"></p>
    <p>Change the work phone number: <input type="text" name="work_number" value="<?= $result['work_number'] ?>"></p>
    <p>Change personal phone number: <input type="text" name="tel_number" value="<?= $result['tel_number'] ?>"></p>
      <button type="submit">Change</button>


  • In order to populate a dropdown box with values from a linked table, you need to select them from this table.

    Hence your code could be like this

    // get your record
    $id_contact = $_GET['id'] ?? 0;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `contact_work` WHERE `id_contact` = ?";
    $contact = $db->execute_query($sql, [$id_contact])->fetch_assoc();
    // get values from a linked table
    $sql = "SELECT id, department FROM `department_work`";
    $departments = $db->query($sql)->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);

    And then you can create your dropdown like this.

    <p>Change Department:
      <select name = "id_department">
      <?php foreach ($departments as $dep): ?>
        <?php $selected = ($dep['id'] === $contact['id_department']) ? "selected" : "" ?>
        <option value="<?= htmlspecialchars($dep['id']) ?" <?= $selected ?>>
          <?= htmlspecialchars($dep['department']) ?>
      <?php endforeach ?>

    Note the changes I made

    • added a name for dropdown input
    • added a loop that displays options
    • added a condition that sets the current value as selected
    • prepared statements MUST be used for database interaction
    • htmlspecialchars() MUST be used to escape all values printed inside HTML