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Add annotations in classes generated by avro-maven-plugin

I am generating Java classes from an AVSC file using the avro-maven-plugin and I want to add a @JsonProperty annotation on some of the class fields.

I want to understand how I can do that. The record.vm file in the configuration does mention of a tag javaAnnotation but it does not work as expected.



Snipit from record.vm enter image description here

I want the generated class to look like this

enter image description here

I tried something like this but it did not work

    "namespace": "com..avro",
    "type": "record",
    "name": "myClass",
    "fields": [
            "name": "my_variable", 
            "type": "int",


  • You can specify both class-level annotations and field-level annotations by adding a "javaAnnotation" field at the appropriate point in the avsc definition:

        "namespace": "com..avro",
        "type": "record",
        "name": "myClass",
        "javaAnnotation": "MyClassAnnotation",
        "fields": [
                "name": "my_variable", 
                "type": "int",
                "javaAnnotation": "com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty(\"my_variable\")"